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Video Resources

Welcome to my video resources page. Here you'll find a range of helpful videos to help you pass your driving test. From the official DVSA guide to the theory and practical driving test, to advice on how to deal with emergency vehicles while driving in Penkridge, Stafford & Cannock.

DVSA Guide - Theory Test

DVSA Guide - Practical Test

How do I respond to effectively to emergency vehicles?



What do you do when you encounter blue-light emergency vehicles while driving? Well, the most important thing to do is NOT panic.


You'll find lots of useful information in The Official Highway Code and also in Driving - The Essential Skills, but check out the video opposite for a visual explanation of the best (and safest) way to assist our emergency services on the road.

Why do traffic jams happen and how can they be avoided?



Have you ever come to a complete standstill while on a motorway journey and wondered how this happens when there's no collision up ahead?


The answer lies in driver behaviour and the solution is simple.


This video includes a computer simulation of this very situation, and explains how 'phantom' traffic jams occur and how YOU can prevent making them worse.

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